___                                   ___                 
    /  /\      ___                        /  /\          ___   
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   \  \ \       \__\/       \__\/        \  \  /          \__\/
    \__\/                                 \__\/                


A Designers Journey Into Programming

13.05.24: What im working on

Hi! It's time for an update. I'm still going strong with the coding. I've been exploring LLMs and their implementation, making discord bots. I also made a quite extensive Terminal application to use multiple chatbots through different APIs. I've done some web scraping and made a Youtube transcriber/resume script, leveraging OpenAIs speech to text end point. I am still working on my algorithmic trading system. I'm currently developing a front end to manage backtests, bots, monitoring and everything in a more convenient way. I've also made a tiny library to use for terminal apps with text formatting functions, coloring, syntax linting, wait animation and other handy tools.
Libraries i've been working with: asyncio, os, subprocess, ctypes, pygments, pandas, numpy, ccxt, exllamav2, transformers, openai, fullpage, flask, plotly, talib, timeit, inspect among others. As the projects i find noteworthy are finished, they will be listed under CREATIONS.

07.08.23: Homepage done!

Blog is done and live on the internet. I went all in and made custom cursors, bad CRT screen imitation and vintage scrollbars(Chrome & Edge).
About the themes: Most have their proper typeface, Multiple machines used the IBM DOS typeface, which most systems still use today during boot and in bios. Some themes have their proper cursors too. Read more about the themes here: About.

01.06.23: Making this blog

Since i started doing a bit of coding/developing last year, I have thought of making a page to gather my projects, and keep it seperated from my graphic design stuff. Then
Under CREATIONS i will list my finished projects with a short description.
As selectable themes, I am imitating the layouts of a set of iconic computers from 1973-1990 between as themes(see top of page).

Trading Bot

Creation Date: july 2023 - ?

Motivation: Extract value from other market participants. Rule based trading is arguably superior as it removes the human from the processs, who often resorts to gut feeling and intuition. Aditionally, if the trading is fully automated, said human is free to pursue acts of higher significance such as curing cancer or world inequality, than manually try to adhere to his rule based system. As the machine have executed the trades according to given instructions, the results have a much better statistical quality, as they have not been tampered with by a wild and unpredictable human. Expected development time: 4-6 month


  • Preparing and splitting CSV price data √
  • Backtesting and optimizing strategies with Backtesting.py library(numpy, pandas, TA-Lib, matplot, scikit-optimize) √
  • Connect to exchanges and execute trades
  • Execute trades on decentralized finance exchanges
  • Graphic interface tracking performance of the bots

TradingView Indicator (pinescript)

Creation Date: may/june 2023

Motivation: Typical trading indicators are inefficient, confusing and give mixed signals. While my solution is not exactly simple, it enables a simpler trading experience that guides rather than confuses. By reading multiple timeframes and multiple indicators it will calculate a score that defines the trend.


  • Bullscore: By using 8 different indicators on multiple timeframes, 20 total readings
  • Indicators used: 50/200 MA, 25/100 EMA, Larsson Line, CCI, MFI, MACD, SuperTrend, Last W/M High
  • Horizontal bars: Larsson line, CCI-EMA, MFI-EMA, and Bullmeter bars
  • Plots signals: BB+RSI, MA-RSI, Extreme RSI and MACD Cros
  • Candlepattern spotter: Engulfing, 3 white soldiers/crows, long-legged doji, and perfect doji
  • Last High/Low lines
  • Pilot bands
  • Fibonacci Extensions
  • SL helper: Suggests 3 different stop loss levels based on ATR

The indicator is closed source. You can contact me if you want to try it!

Image 1 Image 2

1inch DCA Script(Python)

Creation date: february/march 2023

Motivation: Desire to have full custody over my funds and still be able to automate purchaces.
A Dollar Cost Average script that executes orders through 1inch DEX Aggregator API. intended to be automated to run at regular intervals.
You can DCA either time based(TWAP) or price based(PWAP), but this method takes the best from both concepts, Ensuring that funds get allocated, but also allocating more funds at lower prices giving a better average price. Thanks to RichardAtCT for his 1inch wrapper and generous guidance and support. github.com/RichardAtCT/1inch_wrapper


  • The script is executed at desired intervals through a cronjob on a server
  • Checks if the current price is below a trigger price (1-4), scales the order size accordingly to settings.
  • If gas price is too high, it waits a moment and tries again a number of times
  • If all conditions are met, builds the transaction through 1inch API, signs it and broadcasts it to the blockchain through the RPC.
  • Price- and timescale: order size and trigger levels go up over time to ensure allocation of funds.

Example of cronjob(18:01 every third day):
01 18 */3 * * python3 /x/PilotDCA/dca.py -chain polygon -asset wbtc

Example of config.json:

    "startdate": "01/03/2023",
    "trigger1price": 20500,
    "trigger1size": 10,
    "triggerpricescale": 0.85,
    "triggersizescale": 1.3,
    "sizetimescale": 1.01,
    "pricetimescale": 1.01,
    "slippage": 0.25,
    "fromasset": "DAI",
    "toasset": "WBTC",
    "fromassetcontract": "0x8f3cf7ad23cd.......",
    "toassetcontract": "",
    "priceformat": ".2f",
    "customtoken": "no"

Script is closed source. It might be for sale, try and write me an E-Mail: Contact


Creation date: Dec 2022

Needed a minimal interface to take notes or make lists with basic formatting functionality, and found existing solutions such as word or google docs too complex with unnecessary functions that poluted the visual space. One day, after i with large effort had set up WPS Writer to display 4 documents on one page and adjusted margins and everything to fit perfectly on my secondary screen, the power went off and i had to do it again. Which i did, and the power went off again. And a third time as well. As i already was displeased with the UI and the ugly rendering of text, I had found the motivation to make a better solution. A HTML/CSS/JS Solution seemed optimal and efficient. Modern browsers does a great job at rendering text, and it is easy to store the value of a text field in the browsers local storage, which functions as a live updating auto save.

 (o o)                              (o o) 

v 0.1: First release
functionality: single-, dual- and quadview, light, dark and rainbow theme, priority fade, save to png, stores notes in localstorage formatting: bold, strikethrough, fontsize, numbered list, bullet list, identation

About the app:
Frameworks used: TinyMCE 3.1.6 & html2canvas.
https://www.tiny.cloud/tinymce/ & https://html2canvas.hertzen.com/

Ideas for future implementations:
Hexaview, load function, save to pdf, different typefaces, more viewmodes, singleview for all individual sheets, multiple pages.


CSS 3d objects and animations

Creation date: November 2022

Explored various CSS techniques to create graphics and animations without any usage of images or js.


Pilot 3D Art Gallery

Creation date: May/June 2022

"First Person"-style gallery made in Unity. Walk around in the gallery and watch some digital artworks that i've made. Might only work on desktop. Loadtime can be quite long.


Electronic Mail

If you think that you should contact me, you can write me an E-Mail.




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About the themes

Above you can see the full charset of the current font. The most elaborated character set and standard of the era is called "IBM Code page 437", which is only covered by the WANG, IBM, CPC and HP typefaces. The Apple II and TRS-80 only had bigcaps fonts.

XEROX ALTO: 1973, font: AltoMono
WANG2200: 1973, font: WANG font
Apple2: 1977, font: Apple2a
RadioShack TRS80: 1977, font: TRS-80 Color-Computer
Commodore PET 2001: 1977, font: PetMe.ttf
IBM 5110: 1975, font: Ac437_IBM_BIOS-2y.ttf from int10h.org
Commodore 64: 1982, font: C64 Pro Mono style64.org/c64-truetype
Amstrad CPC464: 1984,font: Ac437_Amstrad_PC.ttf, from int10h.org
NeXT Computer: 1988, font: Neue Pixel Sans, dafont.com/neue-pixel-sans.font
VT320 Terminal: 1987, font: VT323, fonts.google.com/specimen/VT323
Amiga 500: 1987, font: Amiga Topaz
HP286 & IBM70: 1990, font: Ac437_IBM_VGA_9x16.ttf, from int10h.org

Chrome and Edge users will be able to enjoy a authentic Windows 98 scrollbar.

Cursor: Some skins have custom cursors while other default to the MS-DOS cursor. Some cursors will be left behind when you exit the window because they are made with JS due to their bitmap nature.

About Pilot

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